Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

'Through love, serve one another' - Galatians 5:13

Lower Rd, Lower Bemerton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 9NW

01722 322848

We are an ECO school

We are an ECO school and this year we are aiming to gain the Eco-schools green flag award!


Each class elects a member of the eco-council, who meet each term to see how well we are all doing at being eco-friendly. 


This year our ECO Committee have been working very hard to review and update the school’s commitment to sustainability and environmental action. The committee has been focusing on issues around biodiversity, energy use, global citizenship, healthy living, litter management, threats to marine life, the character of the school grounds, transport, waste and water use. As such the children are in the process of applying for the ECO Schools Green Flag Award. So far this year they have planed many new species around the school to encourage biodiversity and to attract bees, installed a new water butt to save water, set up new recycling schemes in school alongside the undertaking of many other impressive projects. This term the children will be focusing on reducing plastic use within school. Watch this space!


Climate Change within the curriculum!

Did you know that there are many opportunities for our children to learn about climate change woven throughout our curriculum? A few examples include a term-long look at sustainability in Lower Key Stage Two, climate change in Upper Key Stage Two and persuasive writing given to supermarkets to ask them to reduce plastic use!



 Eco Council launched a "Bling a Bottle" competition, to raise awareness of re-use and recycle. The children were asked to create a nature themed object made from a recyclable plastic bottle. Here are some of the entries. So much creative effort! Every entrant received a pencil made from recycled newspaper. The winner from each class won a recycled paper notepad and the grand winner also received a mini Jenga set. Thanks very much to all of you who entered. 

The weather has been especially grotty recently for our Eco club. So this week, instead of attempting to go outside, we produced some lovely watercolours of plants, leaves and flowers. See below 


Eco Council have several more exciting events planned this year, including: Waste Week and also a celebration of World Environment Day. Details will be posted here as we move along through the year.

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