Bemerton St John CofE Primary School


Welcome to Wrens 2024-2025!

Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS

Mrs Ford is your class teacher.

Mrs Clark is the class teaching assistant. 

What a great first week the Wrens have had. As of Monday 9th September the children will be staying full-time. Pick up at 3.15pm in the green area where you drop off. Please remember that the equipment in the green area is for the children during the school day. Please do not allow your child or children to climb, ride or play with the equipment - however tempting it may be to them. Thank you for your support.

General Information

Curriculum Overview 2024-2025 

Things to bring each day

  • a named water bottle
  • your book bag with your reading book and reading record book inside
  • a named coat (if it forecasts rain)
  • a named sunhat


Our PE day will be on a Tuesday. They will begin in Week 2 - week starting 9th September. 

Please come to school dressed in the appropriate PE kit on PE days.


The expected homework for children in Reception is that of daily reading and phonics practise.

Maths activities linked to the week's learning are set on Fridays and are expected to be returned by the following Wednesday. 

Other home learning tasks to support learning in other subjects are set periodically which are commonly shared with the class.


  • All children are expected to read 5 times per week minimum.
  • Reading books and reading record books should be in school EVERYDAY in your child's book bag. The number of reads recorded in the record book will be counted on a Monday. We change reading books twice a week if they are read a sufficient number of times.
  • An adult signature and an optional comment should be recorded after each read. Remember that phonics practise counts as a read.
  • 5 reads signed by an adult each time will earn you a raffle ticket each week! The raffle tickets go into a box and at the end of term one lucky winner will be drawn out who will then go on the bookshop visit to buy a book for their class.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your child's reading or would like some help with how best to support their reading, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.


Term 1

Parent Information session - Thursday 5th September 2024

The information that we shared on Thursday can be found on the Wrens Homework page. To access this page you will need to use the password that will be sent out from the office. The password will also be stuck in the front of your child's reading record.

Below are the 2 videos that are highlighted in the presentation. Please also take some time to watch and practise the phonic sounds that can seen in the video above - 'How to pronounce pure sounds'.

Please note that our first PE session will be this Tuesday. Your child should come to school dressed in their PE uniform. They will stay in these clothes all day.

Term 2

Let's Celebrate!

 Anti-Bullying Week

Many children and adults are unsure of when unkind behaviour crosses the line and is bullying. Please see below for the Anti-bullying Alliance's definition of what bullying is. 

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.  Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological.  It can happen face to face or online.


Please remember that if you have any concerns, do come and speak to your class teacher. 

Term 3

Toy Story  

Term 4

Imagine if....

 Term 5

 Out and About

Term 6

 From the Tiny Ant...



Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)

Please click here for a parent guide on what the RBA is and how and why it is administered.