Bemerton St John CofE Primary School



Having successfully gained the PSQM Bronze Award in 2018, we continue to maintain the high profile of science Teaching and Learning at Bemerton St John.

The 2014 National Curriculum for Science aims to ensure that all children:

develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through the different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
are equipped with the scientific skills required to help them understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. We understand that it is important for lessons to have a skills-based focus, and that the knowledge can be taught through this.

Our purpose in science teaching is to spark and nurture the natural curiosity and excitement in children. Children have a desire to discover new facts and are in awe of so much of the fascinating world in which we live. Our staff have worked collaboratively to develop a Vision for Teaching and Learning Science which is the ethos of our teaching of science. Therefore, to hook-in to these, we aim to offer learning opportunities which:

  • encourage child-led enquiries using the different types of scientific enquiry
  • develop the skill of asking relevant questions
  • use a wide and increasingly scientific range of vocabulary
  • develop collaborative learning skills.

It is essential that we show that science matters in our world and is an essential part to all of our futures.

Please click here to read Bemerton St John's Principles for Teaching and Learning Science which was written collaboratively by staff.


All class teachers are encouraged and supported to teach weekly engaging and practical science lessons which reflect our Vision for Teaching and Learning Science. Teachers deliver the curriculum through discrete subject lessons or links to other curriculum areas when relevant. They develop their own planning, using recommended links, which cover all the expected knowledge, concepts and working scientifically skills to enable pupils to progress with secure understanding. Through scrutiny of pupils’ work, visiting science lessons throughout the school, referring to the curriculum overviews for each class and use of insight tracking, the subject leader has a clear overview of science progression across the school.

Science resources have been updated to ensure we are well stocked with appropriate equipment. This results in teachers providing lessons which deliver the different types of enquiry skills using resources as needed.

Having achieved the PSQM Bronze Award, the science subject leader has aimed to maintain the higher profile of science within the school by ensuring that science whole school events take place periodically each year. Where possible, STEM colleagues from the wider community are invited in to inspire the pupils and illustrate the importance of these key areas within our everyday lives.

Science CPD is provided through science staff meetings, periodically throughout the academic year, to support staff.


Our science curriculum is delivered through high quality, careful planning to ensure clear progression. Every child is expected to make progress that is at least in line with their progress in other subjects. Staff will make informed judgements on pupils’ learning through weekly formative assessments during their lessons and will make summative judgements based on a range of types of activity which reflect knowledge-based and enquiry skills. To complement this, the skills progression within each year and between them, will be monitored by periodic book looks carried out by the subject lead. Attainment and progress data will be analysed from each class, three times per year using insight tracking; the subject lead will clearly see that coverage of the curriculum is taking place, can ensure all children are progressing as expected and can address any areas of concern which arise.


As a result, we hope that the impact of our quality science teaching will generate a young generation of enthused and curious science learners. We aim for this to be deep-rooted so that it will continue with them as they move throughout each stage of their education. Our passion is to provide our learners with knowledge and skills, an enquiring mind and an understanding of the significant role of STEM within the world we live.