Bemerton St John CofE Primary School

Design and Technology


Our DT curriculum vision is that it will prepare the pupils for the developing world by encouraging curiosity, creativity and problem solving. The pupils have the opportunity to combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues. The curriculum will develop evaluation skills that enable pupils to understand how everyday products are designed and made. Pupils are encouraged to think and work independently and collaboratively evaluating, extending and improving their ideas. Pupils are actively encouraged to think about important issues such as sustainability and enterprise to develop their understanding of our collective responsibility as consumers for the planet and future consumers and potential innovators.


Our DT curriculum is delivered from EYFS to Year 6 through a carefully structured and progressively challenging skills based approach which enables pupils to gain skills in collaboration, investigation, construction, evaluation and design. The pupils are able to express their creativity and self-evaluate strengths and weaknesses and consider ways to improve their work.

We take every opportunity to develop links with outside agencies and experts, including teachers within our MAT, in order to enrich our Design Technology provision 


Teacher assessment is conducted at the end of each unit of work by class teachers in each year group in line with curriculum requirements on our online assessment system. Due to the practical nature of design and technology, evidence of work undertaken by children can be in the form of drawings, design and evaluation in books alongside a photographic record.  Children will leave our school prepared with skills to take with them as they move on to secondary school and that are transferrable into future work life.