Bemerton St John CofE Primary School



Knowing where we live and how our country and our lives compare with others around the world, enables us to understand ourselves, develop personal values and allows us to empathise with and respect peoples’ situations and lifestyles. Through exploring and hands on experiences, we can understand how and why our planet works, why we experience different weathers and seasons and the risks the extremes of these can have on populations. Discussing the over use of resources, such as plastics and oils, we will encourage all children to make decisions that they will implement throughout their lives in order to preserve, respect and enjoy our environment.


We implement our Geography through the Primary Connected Geography scheme of work, a clearly written and complete scheme that covers all the 2014 National Curriculum objectives. Through detailed enquiry questions the children are able to develop their geographical skills and knowledge and through our aspiration to deliver high quality teaching, we will promote a love of learning about the world. While exploring different areas of geography and addressing enquiry questions, spelling and vocabulary lists will be displayed and children encouraged to use them in any geography written or verbal activities. Work will be accessible and engaging for all and hands on experiences will be a regular occurrence, enabling children to use skills and knowledge with confidence and in a practical way. Additionally, children will access resources including atlases, maps and digital technologies to develop knowledge and understanding that is integral to their learning. The content and complexity of skills develop as the children progress through the school ensuring they become accomplished geographers.



Our Geography curriculum is delivered through high quality resources and planning for progression. Every child is expected to make progress that is at least in line with their progress in other subjects. We hope that the impact will be that Bemerton St John children will become skilled geographers with knowledge of the world around them and of how the environment is changing and the effects that may have. Children should be able to participate in discussion about geography in an open minded and well informed manner. We will assess geography by monitoring the skills progression and will focus on specific areas highlighted in the scheme of work. Books will be taken with the children up through the school so skills, language and knowledge can be easily monitored and progression of such explicitly evidenced.