Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

'Through love, serve one another' - Galatians 5:13

Lower Rd, Lower Bemerton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 9NW

01722 322848



Individual spellings are set every Friday and tested on Tuesday. (Please practise spellings on scrap paper not in the spellings book).

Spellings are based on National curriculum high frequency and common exception words.

Below is a link to the words that we expect the children to be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2

High frequency words


The CBBC website has a great section about phonics. It explains how phonics is taught and learned and has some fun games for the children to play.  Please click on the CBeebies icon below to take you to the web page.

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