Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

'Through love, serve one another' - Galatians 5:13

Lower Rd, Lower Bemerton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 9NW

01722 322848


Welcome to Eagles 2023-2024

Term 5

SATS will start Monday 13th May and end by lunchtime on Thursday 16th May.

We wish all of Eagles the very best as they complete the statutory tests for year 6. They are extremely hard workers and we are very proud of all of them.

Please read the learn platform home page for some further updates for the SATS week.

We look forward to adding some photos of our creative art/DT and PE day on Friday 17th May. Watch this space!

The timetable for this term has been added: scroll down to click thee link.

PE will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please wear full PE kit on these days.

Scroll down for details of terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.

The Year 6 Team is:

Mrs Young, Mrs Skuse and Mrs Bell.


General Information for Parents

 Click here for Y6 Curriculum Overview for the year. 

Click here for Y6 Timetable for term 5.

Click here for the parent information letter from term 1.


Weekly Routines

Please read the Year 6 Newsletter  (attached above) for further details.

PE: In term 5, PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday. If there are any changes to this, we will let you know.

Reading: Reading to be completed with an adult at home 5 times per week and noted in homework diary, 1 parental signature is needed each week. 1 raffle ticket will be awarded to you child to celebrate achieving this each week. Diaries to be handed in every Monday morning.

Homework: Set every Wednesday and due in the following Monday each week. Homework is completed for maths, reading (comprehension/guided reading) and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) in CGP text books provided by the school. Details of the pages to be completed will be added to the Learn Platform each Wednesday. 

Spellings: Each week, 5 spellings will be sent home from the Y5 and 6 statutory spelling list to practise,  ready for a weekly test which takes place every Friday morning. 

Times Tables: Either use Times Table Rockstars or Hit the Button at least 4-5 times per week to support all children in their learning.

TERM 1 Photos - see below

We started the term by creating self-portraits in the style of Chuck Close. You'll be able to see these at the Art and DT exhibition at the end of term 2. They are fantastic!

The class have spent term 1 exploring the commitment shown in the Islamic faith. There have been many reflective discussions using the Five Pillars of Islam as the key focus.

TERM 2 Photos - see below

Term 2 has flown by! So much wonderful work has been produced by Eagles. Here are just a small number of photos of the excellent puppets made. We know many of you were able to join us at the art and DT exhibition at the end of term 2 and could see how creative the pupils had been.

The Remembrance Wreath was an important part of term 2 as we remembered those in conflict now and in the past.

Eagles were able to enjoy their last Forest School sessions with Mrs Hill and developed a range of skills each Tuesday.

TERM 3 Photos - see below

Although being very short, term 3 was filled to the brim! Here are just a few highlights.

We welcomed Wendy, from The Bridge, who really helped with understanding the Kingdom of God. The pupils explored what makes a good and bad ruler and linked this to Jesus and Christians today.

Mrs Bell created a very informative book corner. She introduced the class to 'The Week' and has copied many articles, helping to develop knowledge about current affairs within the UK and worldwide. The pupils do read these when we have our independent reading times in class.

Two police officers visited year 6 to give a very useful talk about cyber safety. The children listened and contributed thoughtfully. We hope they will take this understanding forward as they use their different devices and will remain safe.

TERM 4 Photos - see below

Term 4 has been full of many fantastic opportunities and we know it's been very busy for the pupils. They have had a wonderful term.

PGL was a highlight with everyone trying out new things, some of us overcoming fears and overall, enjoying themselves the entire time!

Thank you to the pupils for investigating and producing their science projects. These were of a very high standard; Mrs Pearce and Mr Richards were very impressed by them all.


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